Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Blog Sweet Blog

Sometimes I wonder why we all blog. For some it is a therapy, a way to keep up with loved ones, a documentation of a journey, a place to entertain others, to enlighten others, etc.

I mostly blog for my own sanity. I'm not sure everything I write here is newsworthy or even understandable to anyone else but me. But that's okay. I'm worth it... at least to myself and God.

With that in mind... here is what I originally wanted to title this post.


This weekend I had the privledge of sitting back with friends and having honest conversations of life's little frusterations. We talked about how at certain times in our lives, we feel frusterated with where we are. More specifically, where we put ourselves. Maybe I should clarify the above by restating it as "SOMETIMES WE ARE FED UP WITH OURSELVES FOR NOT BEING WHAT WE WANT US TO BE".

A little more organized, disciplined, healthy, etc.

God has really put it on my heart to find my passion. That one thing that I would spend thousands of dollars for. The job that I would do even if I didn't get paid.

Well that has spilled over to what what do I want my life to look like.

I may not have the clearest vision of what that is at the moment... but I know it isn't what I see when I look in the mirror (figuratively and literally).

So my babystep today is going for a walk/run. I want my BMI to go down 9.7 to a "normal" weight for my height. I'd calculate it in pounds but the truth is... I'm too embarassed!

So I (mostly) ran in the rain tonight in the last twilights of the day (because most people are in their houses by then.) It felt good to lace up my shoes, put on the headphones, walk out the door and run for as long as my body could take it.

Day 1 is done and I'm happy with the effort I've put in. I pray that tomorrow is more of the same.

1 comment:

KIM said...

Good for you Marianne - that is great!! I sure enjoyed this past weekend with you guys.. wish it would have lasted longer - I miss you guys a ton.. all the time!!