Saturday, October 4, 2008

Missing you...

Here is me showing my age... the song "Missing You" is sung by:

a) John Waite
b) P. Diddy
c) Allison Kraus

Anyways, my husband is gone hunting this weekend. It is amazing how your body can totally react to missing someone. Tightness in the chest... butterflies in your stomach... heavy heart. I am being a wimp, because it is only three nights. Heaven sakes, he leaves for Europe in a couple weeks and that will be for seven nights... I can't even imagine what my mom is feeling now that her husband of 39 years is gone.

I know that I am by no means, a low-maintenance wife. I try to kid myself that I make the "perks" worth the work... but I guess only he can answer that and I probably don't want to know the answer. :)

I grew up in a small family, and we always did things together. My parents even took me to nightclubs instead of leaving me with a sitter. We were always a party of three. No one ever got left behind.

Jeff's family wasn't like that. There were four of them, so at times, the guys would do their own thing and the girls would do theirs. Hunting and fishing were definitely guy things... Not entirely sure what the girl things were (aside from sitting in the back seat of the car). Maybe Kimmers can help me with that.

So now we have a family of five. We try to give each kid their "alone" time with either Jeff and/or I. But the most important thing we do is spend time "together" without the kids. Love the kids... I really do... but we try to keep the balance from being a total "kid-centered" family... and being a total "adult-centered" family. I like to think of it as a "Equal-respect-for-all-family-members" family. (yeah, you can all laugh at me)

We recently started "splitting up and conquering" when it comes to family obligations. Again, new concept for me... but one that does keep Jeff and I from "experiencing" all of life together. I am getting used to it, and I do realize that it is good for our own well-being...

but I do miss him.

I like to think it is because I love him so much.

1 comment:

KIM said...

Love your post Marianne!! Glad Jeff is home safe and sound... when does he go to Europe and for how long? Miss you guys a ton!!