Sunday, October 11, 2009

You give and take away....

Blessed be your name...

I love church. The joy and spiritual refill is so worth the chaos of getting everyone ready, dressed and set to get to church every week.

One of the joys I remember from being Catholic is that moment after communion when I would have my one-on-one with God. I'd be on my knees, eyes closed and although everyone was moving around me on their way to the alter, I was alone with God and it was just me and Him.

In that special time, I would often have a special request or thank you (aka praise) that was foremost in my mind from the week.

While my church experience isn't necessarily the same, I do often find my connection with God during the service, usually during our singing.

This week I praised God for the agreement to sell our home, and for the funds that we will need to make it happen.

Jeff and I have been balancing two households for many years now. We gladly took it on, struggled to make it, and sacrificed lots to make it happen. But we did it in love and God never failed us.

It is no coincidence that it all came together on Jeff's birthday. For he surely did not sign up for all this that fateful day he asked me to marry him...

I have many blessings to be thankful for and can only pray that I use them wisely.

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