Monday, March 30, 2009

Filled with love...

I know I spend a lot of time talking about my dad in my blog. But tonight I want to talk about my mom. She has spent the last three months in Peru and next week we get to pick her up in NY and bring her home. I am so excited!!!!

We have been spending time going through the condo, getting rid of Dad's things, painting, rearranging, etc. I'm very pleased with the outcome so far and Jeff has been great about so many things.

Winter has been so long, and it is NOT my time of year. But I'm feeling love, which is great, because I don't recall feeling anything good in a long time.

I'm blessed to share love with my family.

Thank you God.

1 comment:

KIM said...

Have a wonderful and safe trip to NY - I'm sure your Mom is so excited to see you again and to be back home - I wish I was there to help you watch the kids while you get things settled - keep me posted on how things are going and if you need me to take the kids for a weekend - we would love it!!!
Love ya!