Tuesday, January 20, 2009

My no-good-crappy-"A"-day

No need for commenting on this one... consider this my frustrated scream of "Cant handle it anymore". You see, I'm much too polite to do this in person. But I want to curse, drink, smoke, throw things and tell everyone who passes me to "Take a flying leap" but in not-so-polite words.

I'm tired of reading everyone's thoughts on Obama. He is our president and we should support him whether or not he was our first choice. Will he drive the country into the ground or raise us from the ashes... who knows? All I know is that he has the passion to want to have this responsibility. I wouldn't put my family through it. would you?

It has been hard coming back from Peru. While I want to relax, Jeff is so motivated to get things done. I feel like crap that I'm not as fired up as him.

The kids are misbehaving, not eating vegetables, getting constipated because they are afraid of pooping in the toilet, not picking up after themselves, whining, not listening, taking their seatbelts off before I turn off the car, etc.

The price of American Girls went up $5 from last year, why didn't I buy it then?

Our old tenant from the McKinley house died last week.

A friend of mine posted the nicest, best post about being a mother and not expecting returns because she is doing it for God. I yell at my children. Repeatedly.

My dogs have taken to running away when I let them out.

I get yelled at for being on the computer too much.

There is still a leg lamp in my living room that was supposed to make it to Jeff's work.

I think I am going to spent the rest of the night on the treadmill.



carrievdk said...

I'm sorry you had a crappy day - but your post sure gave me a good laugh. I'm sure some of my crappy days will do the same for you. And amen on the Obama thing.

KIM said...

Yikes.. anything I can do?? Call and vent anytime - you know I am here!! And.. on the Obama thing - I agree - whether we voted for him or not - he IS the president - he deserve respect.. all we can do is pray for him.. for our country - God is in control.
anything I can do to help you?? we are just a 2 hour vacation away you know.. our home is your home too for your get-away needs... either for the whole family or if you need a girls night/weekend out - just give me a call!!!
Love ya!!!

Jessica said...

Your friend with the nice post about doing the "mom thing" for God and not returns ... guess what? she yells at her kids too ... a lot ... and even yells at her husband ... a lot ... and even kicked the dog not too long ago. The reason I had to post that was to REMIND myself not to be so awful!! I'm right there with ya girl!!! The sad thing about Obama is that the world seems to think he's our new "savior" ... which is impossible b/c we already have one.. a savior that is, that no one seems to pay any attention to. I, too, hope he can do well but he can't save us from all our problems because he's not God, and either are we!! Hang in there ... brighter days have to be on their way; or at the very least SPRING! :)

Karen said...

You said no need to comment, but too bad! I both cried and laughed when I read this post-- cried because I feel for you and feel your frustration and laughed because I am relieved that you sound like me! I too, have been guilty of yelling at my kids too much-- I confess (not proudly), I have kicked Jake a few times in the past year, I have days where I want to tell every happy go lucky person I see to stuff it... I also share in your frustration about people's political complaints-- I can't stand it. Our job, as Christians, NO MATTER WHO WE VOTED FOR, is to pray for the leaders and support them-- GOD is the ultimate ruler, GOD is where our hope should be-- NOT a President. If political figures do things we don't agree with-- well, instead of grumbling about it, we need to find a way to work WITH the government, stand up in a productive way for what we believe it and if we can't we need to SHUT UP! Take care!!!!!