Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Dare Devils

When I was in Lima, I got to stay with family that I've always been close to. My family and theirs took a roadtrip from Florida to New York & Michigan in a van. All 11 of us in a chevy van. Needless to say, it will always be the Roadtrip of 1980.

My cousin Rocio took pictures of a scrapbook that they made from the trip. So I thought I would share a picture of me and my cousin Lupe. We joke that just because we were the same age, they thought they would make us the closest thing to twins that was physically possible. They made us both wear these white dressed with blue fruit on it. We both got the same Minnie Mouse dolls at Disney and even had the same blue and white roller skates with jingle bell pom poms on them.

Yes the dorkiness in me runs deep, as evident from the photo. But I have fun, even if it is only me who publicly enjoys it.

1 comment:

KIM said...

Um... that is quite the evil smile you have in the picture where you are holding a hammer over someone's head! Great pics though - I would love to see more of you when you were a kid - is Reyna in any of these??