Saturday, November 8, 2008


You know... I am a big fan of knowing what is going on. I blame my parents for being soo spontaneous. I think it started when my parents would drive to NY. At the last minute when dad would come home from work on friday night, he would be like "Let's go to NY", so we would quickly pack and jump in the car and get there in about 13 hours.

Just ask my mom to tell you the "My Pampers.. My Pampers" story about me reminding them to pack my diapers on one of the million trips we took to NY from Michigan.

So when I got old enough to have my own voice... I would make them give me a time of when we would be going and they would say 7am. So imagine my surprise when they woke me up at 4am to get in the car for my 7am car trip. I would be so mad!

Anyways, I try to plan but am unable to stick to a schedule because I have to make room for the very spontaneous people in my life. My mom, my children... my husband (who probably isn't spontaneous as much as he doesn't communicate his plans to me so I am always surprised.)

This week I'm going to try to plan and stick to it. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

KIM said...

Good luck Marianne.. planning is so hard - with or without kids - hope it goes well for you - being spontaneous can be fun though.... just thinking of ya and wanted to leave a note. Love ya!