Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Today is election day. It is amazing to think that what we take for granted... people in other countries RISK their lives to do.

I imagine that this might be easier for me if I were a typical "Party" person. But I am not. I have never voted straight ticket and don't imagine that I ever will.

Even as a Christian, I don't allow my "label" to dictate who I am supposed to vote for. I like to think I am still pretty liberal... but the reality is that the conservative side of me seems to be growing. I blame the fact that I am a parent. Either way, I voted for who I thought would be the best in that position.

As a daughter of two immigrants. I know that this country is awesome. My parents were lucky enough to not have to risk life and limb to get here, but many others just like them did. I also know first hand that we are BLESSED to be here as opposed to other countries.

We may be affected by 9/11/01... but in Peru, they had terrorists for decades. The police carry machine guns and the government is so crooked, that no one trusts them.

Yes, we have doubts about our government as well, but for the most part we do not fear them for our personal safety.

So please take the next step, now that the voting is done. Support whoever OUR country has elected and set a good example for the next generation. Respect the process.

So really it is a mystery as to who I voted for. Yes I did vote and whether my vote is one of the ones that voted in the new president or kept him from taking THAT big of a majority... I'll support and pray for whoever wins.

You see, my kids are old enough to have their pics.... and we are a multi-party family. While John McCain owns pets galore (like us), he is liked because Republican sounds like the Republic Army from Star Wars.

Barack Obama is liked because his name sounds so darn cute coming out of a three year-olds mouth.

God Bless America.

1 comment:

KIM said...

I love your view and it is true... may the "best man win" and whoever that is... all we can do is just pray for the new president - it is all in God's hands!