Thursday, February 23, 2012

Hugs and making a connection....

So I lead GEMS at church and I have about 9 beautiful girls who I get the pleasure of spending time with on a weekly basis. They bless the socks off of me. I try to see them as God would see them and try to make them feel special in little ways. One little girl who I met this year seemed so foreign to me. I wasn't sure how to reach out to her. But God gave me the words this week. To keep things simple, it boils down to taking the time to let her know that I wanted to help her and I did such a small thing for her. Tiny effort really. But the rewards were huge. I got a hug and thank you in the middle of class when i least expected it and a question of whether I would lead again next year. These girls are so precious. I can't express how much I love being with them and worshipping with them and gaining their trust. Don't ever think that getting involved and investing in these kids is not worth it. Tonight I pray for the leaders who volunteer to spend time with my children. May God bless them richly.

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