Sunday, August 14, 2011


Today at church we heard a sermon on goodness, one of the fruits of the Spirit. It really touched me and gave me a tiny bit or reassurance that I was on the right track sometimes!

This past week I passed around a birthday card for an ex-coworker of mine that is in federal prison. It has something to do with child pornography but I don't know the details and I don't really think I need to.

I got the strangest reactions when I asked a few people if they were interested in signing the card. Lots of "Have you heard from him?" (the answer is no), some enthusiastic "Yes"es and definite "No"s. When asked why, I told them that I wanted to send him encouragement for when he was released and that I would hope that someone would remember me if the tables were turned.

Pastor Steve says that Goodness is drawn to Brokenness. I guess I can relate to that very easily. My heart is drawn to the hurt. I write letters to people I know in prison and to kids of my old high school classmates who are in a National Guard youth program as a last chance.

I have mentored teen moms and I recently got in touch with an old high school classmate on Facebook who I tutored through Government class so he could graduate. He says he appreciated my help and has never forgotten me. The biggest thrill is that asked God to bless me and for that I am grateful.

I will continue to pray that the Holy Spirit leads me to do these little things that cost maybe a stamp and 20 minutes. This is a fruit of the spirit that I'm so glad to have in my heart.

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