Friday, November 13, 2009

Dad's birthday

My daddy's birthday is coming up on the 20th. He has been gone for just over a year, but I've been trying to think of a way to honor him. We did do a mass for his one year anniversary of when he passed, but his birthday just seems like a happier occasion, even if he isn't here.

We will do a special dinner with non-alcoholic wine (which is how we celebrate any special occasion in the Bruizeman household). The crystal wine glasses come out (kid-sized even) and we "ching-ching" to happy memories and family.

Dad never liked flowers. I'm sure it brought back memories of when his dad passed when he was young, so I was thinking of setting up a fruit display in his honor and then sharing the fruit with the family. Dad had a way of making things special, even a piece of fruit that he shared.

Love you Papi!

1 comment:

KIM said...

Thinking of you!!